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Creating high-performance audio and video environments to last forever

We spend a lot of time thinking about how to let you enjoy your content. You shouldn’t have to.


Our mission is to help you enjoy life more.

Too often we see people living with technology they really don't like. Sometimes it's a poor installation, sometimes it's the wrong solution. Sometimes the technology overcomes and dominates a room.

We all know what we like. We like to easily watch a TV show, a movie, or play some good music. Often the systems people live with get in the way of enjoying these experiences.

The people at Rose Media spend more time thinking about how to let you enjoy content. That's our mission. Sure, we know high tech usually delivers the highest level of audio and visual performance but if you can't use it they way you intended too, then it's all for nothing.

Thoughtful integration with the surrounding, the decor and user friendliness trumps the high-tech specs. We don't sell inferior products, we sell products that help us reach our mission.

Some Brands We Work With

What We Offer

The people at Rose Media help you live with the modern world. We are consultants, designers and technicians committed to making your life better through smart-home technology. 


Audio & Visual Controls

Well chosen audio & video equipment will go a long way towards making life at home more enjoyable. We consult, design and install all types of solutions for people. Many of today's best technologies can be added to any existing home.


Smart Home Integrations

The integrated smart home is a wide reaching term we use. Wireless ethernet and Z-Wave are a couple of the more common network types modern technologies use to communicate. The home network is now the back-bone for everything you use so it is essential that careful planning and installation are given to this part of your smart home.


Security & Video Systems

Security & video surveillance are more and more common. Security systems are great especially when it is easy for you to interact with your system. Only recently has new technology like Alarm.com made it so easy for our clients to see whats happening at their home. IP or network video cameras are more affordable than ever and can be viewed from almost any smart device you own!

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